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Highest Altitude

38 km

Longest Flight

4h 45m

Longest distance

34 km

PSHAB-1 : First Launch

Mission : To test our first prototype of active aerosol sampling device

Launch Site : 4° 3'31.51"N 100°51'54.00"E

Launch Time : 12.00 PM

Flight Time :  2 Hours 30 Minutes

Highest Altitude : 28 km (91863.5 ft)

Mission Status : Payload retrieval succeed but the experiment apparatus has been failed.

PSHAB-2 : Second Launch

Mission : To test control system of the glider

Launch Site : MRSM Kuala Kubu, Selangor 

Launch Time : 04.00 pm

Flight Time :  2 Hours 15 Minutes

Payload Weight : 2.0 kg

Highest Altitude : 38 km (124672 ft)

Mission Status : Payload retrieval succeed but the glider control system failed and payload experienced crash landing.

PSHAB-3 : Third Launch

May 28, 2023

Mission : To test the UAV fixed wing control system and experiments

Launch Site : Paddy field Kampung Chui Chak, Langkap, Perak

Launch Time : 11.00 am

Flight Time :  4 Hours 45 Minutes

Highest Altitude : 33 km (108268 ft)

Payload Weight : 2.5 kg

Mission Status : Glider land safely and control system succeed but experimental data not enough to make the conclusion about the results.

PSHAB-4 : Fourth Launch

May 28, 2023

Mission : To collect experiment data and the platform performance

Launch Site : Paddy Field, Felcra Seberang Perak

Launch Time : 08.00 am

Flight Time :  2 Hours 30 Minutes

Highest Altitude : 33 km (108268 ft)

Mission Status : All scientific experiment succeed but the glider encounters crash landing with minimal damage

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Space System Lab,

H2.1, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, Serdang, Malaysia. 

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